BR Scientific's Essential Fossil Kit includes 24 hand-selected specimens from all over the world representing a differing fossilization types among a variety of plant, animal, protist, and bacterial fossils.
Fossils in this kit include:
- Brachiopod
Tricites sp. (planktonic foraminifer)
- Belemnites sp.
Archimedes sp. (bryozoan)
- Plant fossil
- Crinoid stems (2)
- Ammonite
- Petrified wood
- Gryphaea sp.
Acastoides sp. (trilobite)
- Shark teeth (2)
Porocystis globularis (algae)
- Orbitolina texana (benthic foraminifer)
- Amber
- Heteraster sp. (echinoid)
- Cyanophyta (stromatolite)
- Clam fossil & clam internal cast
- Ray tooth
- Plant fossil
- Elemia tenera (turritellid snail) and snail cast
*Specimens are individually labeled. Labels are not pictured above.
The specimens are housed in a compartmented tray inside a sturdy box for years of use. A detailed information sheet is included, providing specimen names, stratigraphy, general taxonomy, and ecological information.
Note that specimens type may differ depending on availability.
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Want to make the most of your kit? Consider adding a Magnifying Hand Lens or Geology Testing Kit to discover more details about your specimens.